Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cleaning The Kitchen

I just finished cleaning the kitchen and I am happy now that I can walk inside my pantry again:).. Also I just took down the Kitchen Curtains and changed it to a newly wash one. I am going to be washing curtains today and hopefully I'll get it all done today. I still have to go to the store and pickup some groceries. On the way to the store I need to stop by at the post office to send a little package for my father and I need to by some stamps too I am out.

I am planning to wait for hubby until he gets home so he can go with me at the post office. He also have something to send out. Well, my kitchen is a lot better now I still have to do some organizing and it will be great! Yesterday I changed the kids curtains in their bedrooms. Now I need to wait until the curtains will dry out so I can hang it back.

I need to get ready here and go to the store. My kids have a sleep over tonight and I want to buy some breakfast food to serve them tomorrow. I can't wait to get this all done so I can have a little break.

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