Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thankfully There Is a Logical Answer To Housebreaking My Dog

Post from guest blogger Jordan Hockett.

I barely have enough time for myself, much less the time that is required to take my dogout ten times a day. That is why I really needed to find a way to train the dog to go to the bathroom in a specific area of the back porch. I read on my wild blue high speed internet that they have these training pads that are basically diapers that you lay on the ground for the doggy to potty on. We figured that we would give them a try, and we were pleasantly surprised to find that they did not cost much either.

When the pads came in the mail, we figured that we should put the dog on the back porch to see what would happen. These pads were the ones that supposedly have a scent that attracts dogs to use them for their restroom makings, so we were interested to see if they would live up to the hype. At first whiff, the dog started to get excited. Like he noticed a familiar smell that he was attracted to for some reason. I think that they try to make the pads smell like the lawn, or fresh cut grass. Whatever they sprayed on it, it worked. Our dog goes number one and number two on those pads, and it couldn't be easier to pick up afterward.

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