Thursday, June 3, 2010

70 And Living Like A Teenager

This is a guest post by Fred Sertig

I celebrated my 72 birthday a few months ago by partaking in a senior iron man race. While I did not win the race, the fact that I finished the race is what I am most proud of. After all I am the same guy that had a heart attack when I was in my 40's. It was that wakeup call that turned me around. I was faced with my own mortality and basically I was told by my doctor I was a walking time bomb and I would die sooner rather than later if I did not take immediate action, which is what I did.

Now it is true that I am a senior in some of the traditional sense. I do have a Hearing Devices and I do live in a senior living facility, but you would not know it by my lifestyle. I decided that I am not going to be a normal senior. I am going to take advantage of all the resources and the technologies that are available to today's seniors. And that is why I use a Miracle Ear. I start my days off with 5 mile runs and I end my days relaxing in a senior spa getting a muscle massage.

But I don't stop with only the massages, I also partake in as many physical activities as I can for seniors such as line dancing, rock climbing, dancing, and eating healthy. As a result of adopting a more active lifestyle I feel younger today than when I did when I was actually a teenager!

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