Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Making a scarecrow to go with our zombie Halloween theme

Guest post written by Carlie Morris

It seems like my family and I got really obsessed with the show The Walking Dead last year. It was just so great! I used to be scared of zombie stuff, but my 14-year-old son talked me into watching the show and I kept watching it. Now we're both so glad that it's back on again! So I thought that it would be fun for us to make our Halloween decorations this year a zombie theme.

I used all kinds of ideas that I found online with my clear wireless to get some ideas about how we could do zombie decorations. I got the idea to make a zombie themed scarecrow for our front yard. As soon as I told my son about it, he was pretty excited.

We spent a few hours last Sunday afternoon making our theme scarecrow and it ended up looking so great! I painted it green and we added some details like some rips in the sacks that we used with some of the hay stuffing coming out. I thought about painting the hay that was coming out red, but I think that it was fine without doing that.

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